Ed Broadbent, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, and CLC President Bea Bruske accompanied by CLC staff.

Canada’s unions mourn the passing of Ed Broadbent

January 11, 2024

Bruske: “Ed made this a better country for its working people. We’ll honour his memory by continuing to build a country where we take better care of each other.” 

Canada’s unions mourn the passing of longtime NDP leader and labour champion, Ed Broadbent.  

“Ed Broadbent was a giant among us, a man with incomparable heart and integrity. Ed championed workers’ issues and always stood up for the most marginalized among us. He was a great leader, mentor and friend to so many of us, and he will be missed more than words can express,” said Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress. 

An accomplished parliamentarian, Broadbent’s advocacy on behalf of workers and his unwavering support for unions made him a pillar of the Canadian labour movement. He founded the Broadbent Institute in 2011 which has championed progressive change through valuable research and analysis, education and support for a new generation of leaders. 

“We are committed to honouring Ed’s legacy by keeping up the fight for workers’ rights, social justice and the preservation of democracy, in Canada and around the world,” said Bruske.  

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